Mission Statement
To establish a memorial honoring LT JG John Connors, as well as others, who made significant contributions and sacrifices for our freedom and the betterment of mankind.
The Executive Committee of the John P. Connors Memorial Fund is comprised of John’s family members, along with many peers and friends from Scituate, BC High, WPI, and the US Navy SEAL Teams. We all knew John in a different capacity, but what binds us to this mission is our knowledge that John was the best of all of us to a person. For over 30 years, there is a large hole in the hearts of the people who John touched as a son, brother, classmate, friend, and teammate. We have assembled a world-class supporting cast of advisors who span the senior ranks of the US military as Officers, corporate CEOs, leaders in academia, and peers of John’s whose support is vital to telling the story of a scholar and athlete who left a trail of excellence for all of us to admire and emulate. Our group is a true “Team of Teams” paying homage to the book of the same title by General Stanley McChrystal, USA (Ret).

The Executive Committee at the 2023 Gala, Boston, MA.
Executive Committee
Tom Cappelletti, Executive Director, WPI 1987, Lt Col USAF Ret
Joseph Connors Jr., Connors Family Representative, Boston College 1982
Mike Crowley, Director of Media, WPI 1987, Major USAF Ret
Kara Dallman, Nonprofit Liaison, Holy Cross 1987, CDR, USN Ret
Chas Fagan, Nationally Renowned Sculptor, Yale 1988
Frank Forbes, Alumni Liaison to Holy Cross, Holy Cross 1987
James Golladay, SEAL Liaison, US Naval Academy 1995
Robert McGuirk, Director of Merchandising, WPI 1987
Joe Mitchell, Treasurer, WPI 1987, USAF Combat Veteran
Todd Moline, Alumni Liaison, WPI 1986
Kieran O’Shaughnessy, Director of Construction, Boston College 1987
John Sheehan, Director of Fundraising, Holy Cross 1986
Advisory Board
Major General Thomas Cucchi, USAF Ret, WPI 1985
General Joseph Dunford, USMC Ret, Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Michael Dunford, Founder, Dunford Consulting Group, Lt Col USMCR Ret
Dr. William Durgin, Former Provost, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Major General Clay Hutmacher, USA Ret, CEO, Special Operations Warrior Foundation
John P. Joseph, CEO Datanomix, WPI 1986
Lieutenant General Christopher Mahoney, USMC, Holy Cross 1987
Major General Thomas Murphy, USAF Ret, WPI 1988
Cynthia Provost, Former Detachment Commander AFROTC Det 340, Lt Col USAF Ret
Grace Cotter Regan, President, Boston College High School
Duncan Smith, Captain USN Ret, Executive Director, SEAL Family Foundation
Kenneth Stafford, Professor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Colonel USAF Ret
Marty St. George, Chief Commercial Officer – LATAM Airlines, BC High 1982
For questions or to learn more contact us.
“John had off the charts mental toughness but he was a huge softy for the underdog. He tutored kids in the Columbia Point housing project and I think one of the things that attracted him to the military was the ability to right wrongs.”
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